apartment sage
You don’t want to invest in repairs, deal with tenants or headache lease agreements. You need it occupied ASAP to avoid the empty homes tax and generate income, so you just need the problem solved.
acquire • upgrade • sub-lease • relocate
Here’s how we fix your short-term housing problem.
Step 1: We acquire your empty building to rent out “as-is”
Step 2: We make cosmetic upgrades and/or furnish the units at our own expense to make the building more profitable (and to accommodate more renters)
Step 3: We sub-lease the building to qualified sub-tenants
Step 4: When you need the building vacated, we help sub-tenants relocate
Case Study #1
Case Study #2
Case Study #3
Case Study #4
Case Study #5
Case Study #6
How We do it
How can we guarantee the building will be empty in time?
We specialize in temporary housing in Vancouver, and have a constant inventory of houses and buildings. All of our qualified Sub-tenants have been informed of the temporary nature of their accommodation and are ready when things come to an end. Their is always and opportunity for them to move to another one of our accommodations at the end of the lease should things go well.
Most common question #2?
Cras vitae ante in eros venenatis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.
Most common question #3?
Phasellus blandit augue at elit ultricies, id efficitur mauris maximus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis lorem a nisi.